George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect

It's a start!

Yet another blog on Software Engineering

George Hadjiyiannis

1 minute read


Well, here we go!

As is normal for a software engineer, I have often had discussions with colleagues about the best way of doing things in the field. Sometimes these were opinionated discussions of little substance, but sometimes we would reach some conclusions interesting enough to warrant capturing somewhere. While I often joked about writing a book on the topic, I have been thinking of putting together a blog for quite a while.

Inertia being what it is, I have always postponed it to some future time, so I figured the best way to make myself get going is to publicly commit to doing it. This post is intended to do exactly that. As such, it has nothing of value to offer in the field of Software Engineering, but hopefully it will be the last post to make that exception.

That being said, it will take me a while to figure out the intricacies of the tools I am using (currently Hugo), so please bear with the inevitable initial delays and glitches.

And if you see this as adding value to you, I would definitely appreciate a note!

Thanks for reading!

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