George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect

Untyped vs. strongly typed languages

Imagine trying to get from A to B on a road network where none of the road signs have anything written on them.

George Hadjiyiannis

12 minutes read

Empty street sign

In a previous article I explained why I generally do not think it is worth debating the relative merits of one computer language over another, while at the same time pointing out one major exception: whether the language in question is untyped vs. strongly typed. Unlike the other properties of a language, I believe its ability to guarantee the type of each variable in the code base is extremely important in the lifetime cost of software written in that language. Like many of the other posts, this one is also rooted in a discussion that often repeats itself in various teams all over the industry on a daily basis. I am certainly not a proponent of untyped or weakly typed languages, and I do not pretend to be treating the topic in an unbiased fashion.

The myth of strong typing as old-fashioned

I think a lot of the claimed benefits in favor of untyped languages are based either on a misunderstanding of what makes creating complex pieces of software difficult, or simply extrapolating from trivial examples that are not analogous to engineering software for a living. But before I analyze those, I would first like to dispel one other myth that often creeps into the discussion: that untyped languages are a new development, and that they evolved as a response to perceived shortcomings of “older” strongly typed languages. This line of thinking is often seen in environments where javascript and python are heavily used, and Java and C or C++ are viewed as the old languages that are hanging on to the old-fashioned notion of types. Unfortunately, that claim is simply incorrect. The most common counter-example that everyone would know is, of course, BASIC, which predates C by a few years and Java by a few decades. And while I find any lack of knowledge about COBOL quite forgivable, that particular weakly typed language was created even earlier. Not only are weakly typed languages not an evolution over strongly typed languages, modern developments are actually suggesting quite the opposite. When javascript started being used for back-end systems (which have significantly more complexity than web page scripting), a typing system (TypeScript) had to be created and retrofitted to the language in order to enable it to master the higher levels of complexity. Similarly, python started developing some characteristics of strongly typed languages towards its later versions. And last, but certainly not least, even BASIC itself evolved to provide a strong typing system that operates alongside the untyped facilities of the language with the introduction of Visual Basic 7. The evolutionary trend has been distinctly from weaker typing to stronger typing, not the other way around.

The myth of less code

Another typical argument is that having to include type information in everything from variable declarations to method signatures, adds a lot of code and therefore a lot of overhead. The implication is that the added code requires proportionately greater effort, but this is not the case in practice. The added code is mechanical and very simple to write and read. In terms of effort, the only truth to the implication is that it takes longer to type. Needless to say that typing the code is a minuscule percentage of the effort expended on creating a piece of software. The effort to create a piece of software is about 1/4 design, 1/4 coming up with the actual implementation (choice of algorithm, control flow, edge cases, error handling, etc.), and about 1/2 debugging and testing. Design is certainly not made more complicated by the need to determine the type of various entities; if anything it is probably made easier because it encourages a certain level of encapsulation. Similarly, debugging and testing is not made more complicated; once again it is probably rendered easier as the type information can be useful during debugging. That leaves coming up with the actual implementation. This is certainly not made more complicated by the need to come up with the types of the various entities; a developer would still need to do the work of determining what kind of data structure he or she needs to pass into which method, but without the help of explicit types he now needs to do the same in his head, or possibly even resort to paper and pencil. The complex work is still there, but the developer no longer has the option of receiving support from his tools. As for reading code, having explicit types certainly makes the code more readable. And the implication that more code to read means more effort is misleading, since the extra code is in a very predictable place and can therefore be glossed over if not relevant. At the end of the day, the implicit idea that the additional code means additional effort turns out to be false.

A related but somewhat more robust claim is that polymorphism has to be explicit in strongly typed languages, and this imposes an additional design cost: one could simply “fudge it” in an untyped language whereas one must fully think out the design of the polymorphism relationships between entities in a strongly typed language. While the second part of that argument is certainly true, I think the idea that one can just “fudge it” when it comes to polymorphism is questionable. I can certainly imagine doing so in extremely simple systems, where a particular polymorphic type has no more than one simple level of inheritance and two - maximum three - alternative implementations, but anything more complicated than that and “fudging it” turns into an impossible trial of trying to trace each requirement either by pure inference in one's brain, or by resorting to paper and pencil again. And while one can avoid stacking polymorphism layers at the cost of avoiding half the typical design patterns, it is close to impossible to construct any reasonable library or framework without some heavy use of polymorphism. Trying to build such structures without the help of explicit polymorphism places an inhuman cognitive load on a developer, such that he will actually be slower and more error prone, rather than faster, in creating the polymorphic entities. Worse still, the “freedom” of not having to explicitly design the polymorphic hierarchy encourages developers to try to incrementally evolve such a hierarchy as more of the types become evident to him or her. The result is the tendency to preserve poor design choices for much longer than appropriate, hoping to minimize the amount of code changed, thus creating a very significant technical debt of a kind that it is particularly hard to debug. The need to explicitly design and declare the polymorphism structure means that as new types are discovered they have to be explicitly included in the structure and thus the design integrity is preserved.

The myth of avoiding the cost of the compiler

The last argument I hear a lot is that a developer is more efficient in untyped languages since he or she does not have to suffer through compilation. The argument is that compilation wastes time and interrupts the momentum of the developer, therefore making development slow and inefficient. If a developer could make changes directly to the source code in an interpreter and see the results right away, development would be much faster and more efficient, or so goes the thinking. Once again, this is not borne out in reality. To begin with, compilation itself is fairly fast in reality since only the source files that have changed need to be compiled. At any rate, nowadays there are interpreters available even for languages that are traditionally compiled, such as C/C++ and Java, so if one absolutely has to avoid the compiler, once can do so even with a strongly typed language.

That being said, the overall build might not necessarily be that fast since it additionally runs style checks and usually some kind of static analyzer to check for problematic code, builds new images for containerization (if in use), runs at least all smoke tests plus all unit tests for the units that have changed, and so on. The fact of the matter, however, is that the developer should take all of those actions anyway, irrespective of whether he is using a strongly typed or an untyped language. Any loss of momentum would apply equally to untyped as well as typed languages. One has to question what kind of best practices are possible in an environment where a developer is expected to modify the source locally (or even worse, directly modify the definition of a function in an interpreter), run the application without its container on some local instance of questionable configuration, run none of the static analysis or unit tests, but only a couple of probes of the modified section of the code, and then go on developing as if the job was done.

As for the cost of resolving compiler errors: they are there for a reason! A type-related compiler error results when the type passed into a function is inconsistent with the expected type of the function. In the absence of type checking, this will indeed avoid the compile-time error, but will still result in a run-time error nonetheless. Any engineer that has used both untyped and strongly typed languages would prefer to find himself trying to figure out a compiler error than a runtime error. Compiler errors are typically very easy to resolve: if nothing else, the compiler tells you exactly whats is wrong, and even the file and line number to look at! With modern IDEs, one does not even have to run the compiler to see these errors; modern IDEs will detect and highlight them right in the code, and even offer a one-click resolution most of the time. One has no such luxury with run-time errors. Long story short: anything that can convert run-time errors to compile-time errors will save an engineer massive amounts of time and effort, and strong type checking certainly does that for a large class of errors.

The real cost of untyped languages

At any rate, I find that the above claims in favor of untyped languages (and perhaps my rebuttal of them as well) is in a lot of respects besides the point. Irrespective of whether true or not, the claims focus on the idea of making code easy to write for the first time. In a previous article I explained that putting the code together for the first time actually reflects a fairly small portion of the lifetime cost of software, whereas maintaining the software represents the lion's share. Unfortunately, maintenance effort (and, by extension, costs) are dominated by the effort required to comprehend the (by now) legacy code. This effort is substantially increased by untyped languages! Imagine reading a piece of the code to understand it for the first time. The type information from a strongly typed language represents absolute guarantees that you can rely on while reading the code, reducing the cognitive load on you as the maintainer, by reducing the need to make assumptions as to the nature of the various entities in the code and the subsequent need to verify them. In an untyped language, a method call on an entity could refer to any entity type that defines such a method if the code is correct, and any entity at all if the code could contain an undetected type bug. In a strongly typed language, the entity is absolutely guaranteed to be one of the polymorphisms of the given type, and as a developer you probably don't even care which exact type at this moment in time.

To illustrate by way of example: a few years ago I was reading and trying to understand a piece of code written in Perl. One of the main types of polymorphism in this code was a set of functions (called triggers in the context of that system) that would run when certain data was accessed. Some functionality was shared between all such triggers and was appropriately encapsulated in a “base class”1. Since I was trying to understand a particular trigger, I started by reading the code for that trigger, but soon found references to data structures that were not part of the trigger itself. Naturally, I then looked to the base class only to find out that these were not defined in the base class either. In fact, the base class was assembled from data passed in a hash in the constructor (this is the standard way of creating an object in Perl). Not only was there no definition anywhere in the code of what data was required in the constructor, since there were no checks, each constructor invocation would pass in different data and therefore each instance of a trigger could actually have different member variables! The only way to determine what variables I could reasonably expect would be to look at each constructor invocation everywhere in the code! In the end, I asked someone that had some familiarity with this code and he explained to me what the design said was expected, but we still had no way of verifying this without looking at every invocation. Needless to say that simply cannot happen in a strongly typed language. Furthermore, in a strongly typed language, this kind of critical information is captured in the most reliable form of documentation possible, and its integrity is guaranteed by the compiler. As a result, even in the case where one cannot locate an expert that has knowledge of the code (which was certainly the case for other parts of the code in the example above), one still knows and can rely on this basic requirements of design. The type information in a strongly typed language accelerates code comprehension of legacy code by leaps and bounds, thus drastically reducing the cost of maintenance compared to cases that use untyped languages. Given how much larger the contribution of maintenance costs is to the total lifetime cost, even if untyped languages saved effort during the original creation phase of the software, they would still result in a massive increase in cost in the end!

What are untyped languages good at?

While I would certainly not recommend an untyped language for a software system that I expect to have a long life in production, an interesting pattern emerges if one looks at the claims above in conjunction. In particular, untyped languages allow one to:

  1. defer or avoid a significant portion of the design cost, especially design cost related to polymorphism structures.
  2. sacrifice best practice in order to increase velocity
  3. trade off the cost of putting a body of code together for the first time against the cost of maintaining the code later.

Those are all characteristics that favor rapid prototyping! Untyped languages are actually fairly well-suited to creating Proof of Concept implementations, throw-away prototypes, and internal tools for one-time use. If one can avoid the temptation to put one's prototype in production (a topic that deserves an article of its own), I would, in fact, prefer the use of an untyped language over a typed one!

  1. In reality, Perl does not have true object-oriented programming and inheritance, and as a result a base class is not required to contain the methods expected at the subclass level. ↩︎

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