George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect


Untyped vs. strongly typed languages

Imagine trying to get from A to B on a road network where none of the road signs have anything written on them.

George Hadjiyiannis

12 minutes read

Empty street sign

In a previous article I explained why I generally do not think it is worth debating the relative merits of one computer language over another, while at the same time pointing out one major exception: whether the language in question is untyped vs. strongly typed. Unlike the other properties of a language, I believe its ability to guarantee the type of each variable in the code base is extremely important in the lifetime cost of software written in that language. Like many of the other posts,…

Choosing Technologies

Are we really having the impact we expect, when we choose technologies for software products?

George Hadjiyiannis

11 minutes read

Choosing Technologies

Despite growing up in a country where football (soccer, for my American readers) is the universal passion, I never understood the appeal, and I never shared it. However, I suspect it to be similar to the passion that a discussion on technology choices evokes among software engineers and architects: despite being otherwise excessively rational beings (at least according to everyone in a different profession), we favor technologies by faith instead of reason, and we get emotionally attached to…

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