George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect


Rewarding the innovators

Have you given your people a reason to innovate for you, or are you expecting them to do so "because it's their job"?

George Hadjiyiannis

13 minutes read


A few years back I was attending the yearly strategy workshop of my employer at the time, along with all my other colleagues. We were divided into groups of six to nine people and tasked with, among other things, coming up with an approach to enable innovation within the company. One of the people in the group I was in, relayed his story of why he left his previous employer, the local telecom giant, over the same thing. He told us how this company asked all their employees to propose projects,…

Culture eats Strategy for breakfast

We must understand the true impact of company culture, before it eliminates any chance of success.

George Hadjiyiannis

7 minutes read

This is Sparta

We have all heard the saying, and I am willing to bet that most of us have even said it to others, or inserted it in a presentation. Yet I realized that, while everyone seems to understand this on an academic level, none of us seem to understand it intuitively. In particular, we are very bad at understanding the full effects of culture, or taking it into account when we are making decisions on a day to day basis. And above all, we wave culture away, thinking that our strategy will overcome any…

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