George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect


Data Trumps Opinion (every time)

Why you should create a culture that values data, and how you can use the philosophy of following the data to empower your culture.

George Hadjiyiannis

14 minutes read

Data versus Opinion

Anyone who has worked for a successful B2C knows how much better and more precise decision making gets, once it is empowered by data. However, two of the companies I worked for turned this into an art, and one of the two is, in my eyes, the unquestioned champion. In fact, we had such detailed knowledge of our numbers (despite the many cyclicalities) that we would occasionally find software bugs through our revenue figures: someone would notice a small drop in revenue and track conversion through…

Designing a Hiring Strategy

How to improve your chances of getting the kind of people you need.

George Hadjiyiannis

12 minutes read


Let's face it: most of the companies out there (including most of the ones I worked for) hire opportunistically. They wait until they have a specific need, then quickly put together a job description, and publish the opening in the various channels that are readily accessible, hoping that they get a fit. Most of the time they can't find what they are looking for in a reasonable amount of time, and for the right salary. There's four options available at that point:

Evolving Team Culture

How you can nudge the culture of your team in the direction you want.

George Hadjiyiannis

11 minutes read

Team Culture

Team culture is one of those things that gets talked about a lot when it is not quite right, but rarely worked on effectively. Yet so much of the outcome in the end depends on team culture. I bet that the majority of the people reading this article have experienced teams working in their own silos. Think about the influence it has on the ability of the company to drive successful outcomes. Similarly, most of the readers have probably experienced people that everyone tries to work around,…

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