George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect

Software Engineering

The drive-by coding anti-pattern

Almost every team does it, but it significantly degrades code health, and does even worse for team culture.

George Hadjiyiannis

10 minutes read


I am not sure why, but out of the set of all anti-patterns, drive-by coding is the one I am personally most disturbed by. Perhaps that's because it's so unnecessary. Perhaps because it's indicative of laziness on behalf of the developer. Perhaps because it is, itself, a smell of much more serious cultural issues. For exactly this last reason, if not for any other, I feel very strongly that this particular anti-pattern should be uprooted mercilessly whenever noticed, before it becomes endemic…

Data Trumps Opinion (every time)

Why you should create a culture that values data, and how you can use the philosophy of following the data to empower your culture.

George Hadjiyiannis

14 minutes read

Data versus Opinion

Anyone who has worked for a successful B2C knows how much better and more precise decision making gets, once it is empowered by data. However, two of the companies I worked for turned this into an art, and one of the two is, in my eyes, the unquestioned champion. In fact, we had such detailed knowledge of our numbers (despite the many cyclicalities) that we would occasionally find software bugs through our revenue figures: someone would notice a small drop in revenue and track conversion through…

Software is hard - Part 2: Implicit Requirements

The requirements you can see at the beginning are only the tip of the iceberg.

George Hadjiyiannis

8 minutes read

Tip of the Iceberg

Every professional in the software industry knows that building software is a highly unpredictable business. This is why we don't like the question of “How long is it going to take?". The thing that always puzzled me, however, is that that unpredictability always seems to point in the wrong direction: software seems to almost always take longer to build than expected. With practically any other process, one would expect something similar to a normal (binomial) distribution around the…

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