George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect


Making near-shoring and off-shoring effective.

Some practical advice on how to structure near-shoring and off-shoring partnerships, to increase the chances of success.

George Hadjiyiannis

24 minutes read

Distributed Teams

It seems that everywhere you look, companies are looking to create near-shore and off-shore partnerships, to increase their software development capacity and reduce costs. Interestingly, this is not limited to large companies; more and more SMEs are joining in. At the same time, we now have over a decade of experience with this topic in the industry, and have learned some hard-earned lessons. It seems not that long ago that companies were pulling back from off-shoring due to a significant number…

The shortcomings of Agile

It's about time we have had an honest discussion about what Agile does not do well.

George Hadjiyiannis

13 minutes read

SCRUM board

In a previous post I promised to write an article about the shortcomings of Agile. I recently had an exchange with a former colleague that convinced me the time has come to have an honest discussion about what Agile does not do well. Through the years, Agile seems to have acquired a cult status, where people seem to think that it can, not only, do everything, but do it superlatively well. Anyone who has actually used Agile methodologies knows that neither of those points are true, yet Agile…

CI/CD Pipeline Design: Putting it all together

How the full set of pipelines is composed from the basic building blocks, and some further optimizations.

George Hadjiyiannis

20 minutes read

Pipeline Structure

This is the last part in our series on designing CI/CD pipelines. The first part of the series defined the objectives of the pipelines, and defined the stages that go with them. The second part covered in detail the core Build-Deploy-Test scripts, which together effectively implement all the necessary functionality. In this third and final part, we will cover how we put together all of the stages described in Part 1, by composing them using the blocks described in Part 2. We will also cover a…

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