George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect


A different kind of company growth

Growing from an early startup to a successful company is not just about scaling.

George Hadjiyiannis

9 minutes read

Toy Tools

These days I find myself in regular discussions about company growth, primarily with startups that are getting traction and now need to step up to the next level. The discussions typically cover all the usual scaling topics, but until recently pretty much ended there. About 2 weeks ago, however, I had once more such a discussion, but this one went beyond the scaling challenges, and moved on to a different kind of growth: maturity. This is quite analogous to human growth, where only part of the…

How to (really) build customer centric products

Customer centricity is not about doing whatever the customer says: that's customer servitude!

George Hadjiyiannis

10 minutes read

Customer Servant

Customer centricity is another one of those points that is constantly talked about but often rarely actually reasoned about. As a result, most of the discussion out there is usually trivial and essentially consists of the equivalent of “Go ask what the customer wants, then go build it”. I would respectfully offer the opinion that that is not customer centricity, but rather, customer servitude! There are three fundamental mistakes in the idea of “Go ask what the customer wants,…

Making near-shoring and off-shoring effective.

Some practical advice on how to structure near-shoring and off-shoring partnerships, to increase the chances of success.

George Hadjiyiannis

24 minutes read

Distributed Teams

It seems that everywhere you look, companies are looking to create near-shore and off-shore partnerships, to increase their software development capacity and reduce costs. Interestingly, this is not limited to large companies; more and more SMEs are joining in. At the same time, we now have over a decade of experience with this topic in the industry, and have learned some hard-earned lessons. It seems not that long ago that companies were pulling back from off-shoring due to a significant number…

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