George Hadjiyiannis

George Hadjiyiannis

Software Executive, Entrepreneur, Software Architect

Data Trumps Opinion (every time)

Why you should create a culture that values data, and how you can use the philosophy of following the data to empower your culture.

George Hadjiyiannis

14 minutes read

Data versus Opinion

Anyone who has worked for a successful B2C knows how much better and more precise decision making gets, once it is empowered by data. However, two of the companies I worked for turned this into an art, and one of the two is, in my eyes, the unquestioned champion. In fact, we had such detailed knowledge of our numbers (despite the many cyclicalities) that we would occasionally find software bugs through our revenue figures: someone would notice a small drop in revenue and track conversion through…

Making near-shoring and off-shoring effective.

Some practical advice on how to structure near-shoring and off-shoring partnerships, to increase the chances of success.

George Hadjiyiannis

24 minutes read

Distributed Teams

It seems that everywhere you look, companies are looking to create near-shore and off-shore partnerships, to increase their software development capacity and reduce costs. Interestingly, this is not limited to large companies; more and more SMEs are joining in. At the same time, we now have over a decade of experience with this topic in the industry, and have learned some hard-earned lessons. It seems not that long ago that companies were pulling back from off-shoring due to a significant number…

Choosing Technologies

Are we really having the impact we expect, when we choose technologies for software products?

George Hadjiyiannis

11 minutes read

Choosing Technologies

Despite growing up in a country where football (soccer, for my American readers) is the universal passion, I never understood the appeal, and I never shared it. However, I suspect it to be similar to the passion that a discussion on technology choices evokes among software engineers and architects: despite being otherwise excessively rational beings (at least according to everyone in a different profession), we favor technologies by faith instead of reason, and we get emotionally attached to…

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